Suspected outbreak management plan

If a visitor develops symptoms compatible with COVID-19 infection, the following applies:
1. The doctor with whom the tourist accommodation cooperates is called to evaluate the incident.
2. If the patient has an urgent need for hospitalization, presents a serious clinical picture, is referred to the KO Hospital, as a suspected case of COVID-19.
3. If the patient presents with a mild clinical picture, a sample is taken from the physician for laboratory confirmation of COVID-19.
4. If the incident is assessed as possible COVID-19 by the examining physician, the hotel health manager contacts IMMEDIATELY with the EODY at 210 5212054 or the special four-digit number 1135 (24 hours a day), for a statement of the suspected case and instructions.
5. The patient with a mild clinical picture remains in his room until the results of the laboratory test are announced.
6. During this waiting period, staff should not enter the patient's room unless there is a compelling reason. If necessary, a staff member of the accommodation is advised to deal exclusively with the potential case.
7. The doctor and the hotel staff who will enter the room of the suspect or later confirmed case must use high protection personal protective equipment (PPE) (masks, goggles, waterproof disposable robes). The same applies to staff cleaning a COVID-19 patient room.
8. If confirmed as a case of COVID-19, he is transferred to the special quarantine hotel and later to a health unit that will accommodate patients with COVID-19, if he needs treatment. If it is not confirmed as a case of COVID-19, it is treated at the hotel with the instructions of the treating physician.
9. The patient is transported with PPE (simple surgical mask) and private means of transport.
10. If there is a patient's attendant who wishes to stay close to care for him / her (eg spouse), the attendant should be given a simple surgical mask and advised to wash his or her hands each time he or she comes in contact with secretions. of the patient (eg saliva) and definitely before the attendant touches his face or eats or drinks.
11. The contact details of the patient's relative must always be recorded in case consent is required for operations where the patient cannot communicate.
12. Used protective equipment (simple disposable surgical mask, gloves) should be disposed of in a bin and never used again.
13. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after disposing of protective equipment. It is emphasized that the use of gloves does not replace hand washing, which is a very important means of prevention.